Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Madness, Vivaldi and Other Conundrums

So lately I have been noticing more than a few music bloggers posting "random notes" about music as a way to fill in for a lack of more substantial posts. I recognize the strategy to keep some fresh content up without quite as much effort as I often do this on my work blog, but haven't really resorted to it here. Not sure why, since, even though it might be just a filler strategy, I often find these posts as informational as any in the long run--so here is one of my own.
  • I was totally surprised today to learn that Madness has a new album out. Madness I say! I was totally a fan of the whole ska thing in the 80's (and the more recent resurgence) and had lots of albums (vinyl that is) of Madness, The Specials, The Beat, etc.--although very little on disc. Here is the question. Check out the new album? Pick up favorite ska albums on disc or download mp3s? Get one of these? Just wait, this will pass? Do tell.

  • Switching gears, the Allmusic Blog asserts that the best classical album of 2009 (so far) is Lara St. John's pairing of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons and Piazzolla's The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires. The conundrum is that while I love Vivaldi's Four Seasons, despite its insane popularity and overuse, I already have two versions--neither of which I bought myself (and one which I am pretty sure Neats gave me just to get the poster of Josh Bell)--but I don't have the Piazzolla. Get another version of Vivaldi to get the other? Not worth it? Is there some other version of the Piazzolla I should have? If so, which one?

  • After restarting The Room, I have already received an email from someone clearly wanting me to review/promote a band. The band is Englishman which I have listened to a few times on their MySpace page. The music is intriguing--the next Iron and Wine perhaps? But what is one to do with these kinds of inquiries? Review regardless of what I think, good or bad? Just the good? Ignore because, really, who am I to judge?

  • Today I noticed that Nelson was celebrating his blog anniversary (belatedly I think) which made me realize that I started this blog over a year ago and so I missed my own blog anniversary. Or did I? Does it count if you stopped the blog midway and then restarted? When is this blog's anniversary? Hard to say.
Any and all suggestions welcome. Until then, I give you Madness!


mu said...

First of all, praise the gods that the tuning room, my sole and soul place for music du hour, is up and running. Happy anniversary!

Second, the best piAzolla I have heard is actually the sublime soul of the tango of yo yo ma, not that I have heard a lot of P himself, but I have listened to his Zero Hour. Love that war horse Vivaldi too ESP spring which is spooky like winter...

In terms of classical, I highly recommend Gabriela Montero, an Venezeulan pianist which has one disc of straight up classical racmsninov and Scriabin and falls and one disc of improvisations on those fellas....


Lisa B. said...

As a person who has been indulging in a hella lot of nostalgic mp3 purchasing lately, I say

1. get the new album in whatever format is cheapest
2. get the songs from your youth that still call to you

Do it! I just bought a Stevie Nicks song. I couldn't help myself. I neeeeeeeeeeded to be able to listen to it.

CPS said...

Mu--totally forgot about the Yo-Yo Ma. Thanks for the reminder.

Lisa B.--did you "need" the Stevie Nicks after watching School of Rock--cuz that scene with Jack Black and Joan Cusack is classic!